I went to the shows with the Simatupang sisters: Sessi, Astrid and Zheeta. So during this fahion week I stayed few days in Astrid's
We started from day 3 (Monday Nov 8th 2010),
So bad we couldn't make the Dekranasda show at 13.00 - 13.30 Dekranasda Show (Siti Haida,Arie Sistha, Wiwik Maskat, Amalia Agus, Inez Merdiana)
But we did go to 16.00 - 16.30 Batik 118 by Dee Ong show, the show wasn't as I expected, it was a 'so so' show or maybe it's just not my kind'a type of dress that I will wear...the idea of mixing batik and embroidery was good, but the design of whole dress wasn't quite OK, and the combination of the batik motives for each dress was common. It was a safe collection.
Day 4 (Tue 9th 2010), We go to
15.00 - 15.30 APPMI (Dian Pelangi, Hannie Hananto, Irna Mutiara, Najua Yanti, Nuniek Mawardi, Savitri, Yuyuk Nurmaisyah)
16.00 - 16.30 APPMI (WAW by Lenny Agustin)
WAW stands for What Are you Wearing is a ready to wear clothing such as t-shirt, skirts, shorts, jeans for men and women.. I don't really know the concept but I think clothing in Bandung are a lot more better than this.
17.00 - 17.30 APPMI (Adhyadma, Dwi Iskandar, Harry Lam, Hartono Gan, Mario and Jo by Vicki Soetono, Rudy Liem, Yunita Kosasih)
Day 5 (Wed, Nov 10th 2010)
15.00 - 15.30 APPMI (Afif Syakur, Defrico Audy, Dewi Syifa, Ian Adrian, Ledie Suwandie, Melia Wijaya, Ninik Darmawan)
I know Mrs. Ninik Darmawan about one and a half years ago, when she came to my house to meet my father to discussed about 'lurik' a traditional hand woven fabric from Java, back then I didn't know anything about her, now she's the head of APPMI Yogyakarta.. At this fashion week show she's showing 8 collections, all using blue and white lurik with combination of chiffon silk and matting for detail. The use of lurik on her collection remind me of the vest skirt that I made a year ago.

Ninik Darmawan_________________________________me, few years ago
16.00 -16.30 APPMI (LENNOR by Lenny Agustin)

LENNOR by Lenny Agustin___________________Lenny Agustin
17:00 - 17:30 APPMI (Agnes Budhisurya, Geraldus Sugeng, Gregorius Vici, Henky Kawilarang, Misan, Susan Zhuang)
Day 6 (Thurs, Nov. 11th 2010)
13.00 - 13.30 Pesona: Cerita Tenun dari Timur menampilkan Stephanus Hamy
This is the best show from all the show that I watched. Stephanus Hammy = FLAWLESS!

Stephanus Hammy
16.30 - 17.30 IPMI: Precious Indonesia (Adesagi Kierana, Era Soekamto, Kanaya Tabitha,Liliana Liem, Stephanus Hamy, Sutanto Danuwidjaja,Tuty Cholid,Valentino Napitupulu,Widhi Budimulia, Yongki Budisutisna)
This is our last day for fashionweek rally, tiring but fun! and grateful and also thankful that we could be there at those shows, at that moment, seeing those great art work from those awesome designers. And I learn a lot.. thank to Astrid, the person that make it all happen.. and Sessi who take us here and there with her Silby (car) drive us through Jakarta's most busiest hour and Zheeta for my make up..hahaha..
Thank you to JFW2010/2011 committee for their hard work, hope they can do it better next year.
Let's see if I can be at the Jakarta Fashion Week's runaway next year..keep my finger cross. :3
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