pictures taken by mas Bayu Tjokro.

Picture taken by mbak Henny Tjokro.
and surprisingly I got 4th place!!

with Mrs. Susan Budihardjo: Fashion Designer and the founder, owner, and teacher of LPTB Susan Budihardjo

With Mi'Famillia: (from left) Dini A.R., Me, Mother Raharas Sapta, Tunggul Wulung N.G.

4th place isn't the last this is just the beginning, just another step closer to my goal.. hope in the future I could be more productive, designing, exhibiting, Fashion showing, creating new stuff, be usefull to my surrounding, etc.
this trophy dedicated to my beloved Father who passed away a year ago..
"See Dad, Cinderella standing beside Kuda Ijo (green horse)" :)))
and this make it the BEST PART
Designer Parade

this picture taken from Indah Nugrahanny's FB "top student 2010 of SUSAN BUDIHARJO & ALUMNUS" photo Album
the designer parade closes the event, and so see you all in 2011....
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