Sunday, November 28, 2010
Saturday, November 27, 2010
BAZAAR time!!!!
Monday, November 22, 2010
The Borrowed Scratch
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Mili Vanilli
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
me and the crowd
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Sessi called, asked me if I want to go to JFW 2010/2011. if I want to go, she told me to contact Astrid (Sessi's sister) to register through the internet, official Jakarta Fashion Week web site, and so I did, and Astrid registered me to 10 shows.
I know Mrs. Ninik Darmawan about one and a half years ago, when she came to my house to meet my father to discussed about 'lurik' a traditional hand woven fabric from Java, back then I didn't know anything about her, now she's the head of APPMI Yogyakarta.. At this fashion week show she's showing 8 collections, all using blue and white lurik with combination of chiffon silk and matting for detail. The use of lurik on her collection remind me of the vest skirt that I made a year ago.
Ninik Darmawan_________________________________me, few years ago
LENNOR by Lenny Agustin___________________Lenny Agustin
Day 6 (Thurs, Nov. 11th 2010)
Stephanus Hammy
16.30 - 17.30 IPMI: Precious Indonesia (Adesagi Kierana, Era Soekamto, Kanaya Tabitha,Liliana Liem, Stephanus Hamy, Sutanto Danuwidjaja,Tuty Cholid,Valentino Napitupulu,Widhi Budimulia, Yongki Budisutisna)
Thank you to JFW2010/2011 committee for their hard work, hope they can do it better next year.
Let's see if I can be at the Jakarta Fashion Week's runaway next year..keep my finger cross. :3
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Saturday, November 6, 2010
My Forest My Playground
Friday, November 5, 2010

pictures taken by mas Bayu Tjokro.

Picture taken by mbak Henny Tjokro.
and surprisingly I got 4th place!!

with Mrs. Susan Budihardjo: Fashion Designer and the founder, owner, and teacher of LPTB Susan Budihardjo

With Mi'Famillia: (from left) Dini A.R., Me, Mother Raharas Sapta, Tunggul Wulung N.G.

4th place isn't the last this is just the beginning, just another step closer to my goal.. hope in the future I could be more productive, designing, exhibiting, Fashion showing, creating new stuff, be usefull to my surrounding, etc.
this trophy dedicated to my beloved Father who passed away a year ago..
"See Dad, Cinderella standing beside Kuda Ijo (green horse)" :)))
and this make it the BEST PART
Designer Parade

this picture taken from Indah Nugrahanny's FB "top student 2010 of SUSAN BUDIHARJO & ALUMNUS" photo Album
the designer parade closes the event, and so see you all in 2011....
a friend review
and surprised that she can actually draw..hmm the hidden gold i guess :))
well thank you to Astrid Simatupang for the review and allowing me put her link to my blog..Good Luck to you! :D
check this out!
365 hari
and also check other of her 365 days!