OK! this is like a super late news highlight..My birth day was at 4th this month but I make a little party for like two days after..I bake a cake..yaaayyy _________ *sight
the taste was good actually for a non baking person..it was not great just good.. but still eatable...
I actually invite who ever wanted to come to my house for a small tea party@4pm..but sadly no one showed up :'((
still one happy day though
mixing the ingredients

this is what i'm gonna make, supposedly..Sarcher Torte

and VOILA! a plain chocolate tart
with 2 candles on, is ready to blow
*because no one showed up to eat the cake, it ended for giveaway, few cuts for my aunt that having a birthday a day after mine, and others was goes to my class mate at Susan Budihardjo, Jakarta..fortunately they all loved it.. :))

I tried to sprinkle a sugar powder to make it
prettier but looks like it didn't work.. :(
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