Saturday, October 20, 2012

baby shirts and experiments

Hi! Hi!

I made babies shirt again (and man shirt) for my 1 y.o nephew.  I made 2. 1 batik, and 1 I experiment. Tie dye..
this two are a simple motives that I learn from Shibory book. There's plenty of insane motives in that book that I just can't follow...yet. 

I did a view motives experiments but it ended with this two motives.. and bule marine for the color.

ta-daaahh!! not bad eh.. (minus buttons)

*) caka's pic. courtesy of mba henny.. thank you mba :*

and this is pictures of Caka wearing them (his father also wearing tie dye shirt I made). They're twins! too bad mommy didn't wear the same.

I looooove tie dye. hope next time I can blog about DIY tie dye step by step. with pictures and everything.

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